A Comprehensive Behaviour Package

Included in a Behaviour Package

The behaviour Package offered is comprehensive and offers all the support you need to see real change.

Information Gathering Prior to the Consult

From you and your vet to make sure we can make the most of our time together. Includes analysis of any relevant video footage to help with planning and allow me to advise you in the most appropriate way.

Confidence and Security

That you are working with someone suitably qualified to offer evidence-based, up to date, ethical advice that you can trust and who will support you and your dog through change and who will provide you with a plan that you can follow so that you no longer have to worry about conflicting advice.

An in-person consultation in your home usually lasting in the region of 3 hours

This is where we will discuss the issues you are having in detail, put a plan into place and start any necessary practical training.

A thorough written Report

Detailing everything discussed during the consult and everything you need to know to start implementing change. Including an outline of the things you need to do to keep it achievable and manageable, descriptions of how to teach any recommended exercises and video support.

Three Months of Follow Up Support

Remote follow up support via email or WhatsApp so you have swift access to advice and help with any issues that arrive (as well as support and congratulations when things are going well!). Practical advice when needed with reassurance and guidance in any situations where it is required.

A personalised, individual report for your vet

Making sure we take a fully holistic approach to any behaviour issues by considering your dog’s medical history and any current health problems.

Have paperwork that is required by your insurance company to make a claim?

No problem, I’ll complete that for you for no additional fee.



A claim can often be made from your pet insurance policy.

Travel to your home is included for:

Dover, Deal, Canterbury and Thanet.

Travel to other areas of Kent incurs a travel fee.