Behaviour Support

So how does a Behaviour Consult work?

Behaviour consults are a one to one consultation carried out in your home. They usually last in the region of two to three hours. During the consultation we will discuss the problems your dog is having, discuss what is achievable and possible, put a plan of action into place and get going with the practical training you will need to get you started. We often also go out on a walk, especially if this is where the problem behaviour is occurring.

After the consultation you get three months of remote follow up support via email or WhatsApp to help you implement your behaviour plan, a full written behaviour report and I will contact your vet with a personal report for them, making any necessary recommendations.

Problems with Dogs

Is your dog aggressive or reactive to other dogs? Are walks becoming more and more stressful?

Not sure where to turn for help or what to do for the best? Get in touch for advice that genuinely makes a difference.

Fear and Anxiety Issues

Is your dog frightened of sounds, being left alone, going for walks or even heading out in the car?

Don’t suffer in silence, pop me over a message to start working with me so you can finally start to see your dog’s confidence grow.

Problems with People

Is your dog aggressive towards or worried about people, either at home or out and about? Are they frightened at the vets?

Fear of handling and strangers can really impact on your dog’s life. And yours! As a veterinary surgeon with nearly a decade of experience in small animal practice, I have a unique insight into what is needed to help in these situations.

And with a specialist interest in teaching dogs to love their vet, get in touch if you want yours to!

I’m here to help!

In person support available in Kent and the South East.

Get in touch and let’s start making life easier, for you and your dog!

If your dog is refusing to go on a walk, barking at everybody that goes past, behaving badly with visitors or any number of other difficult behaviours, it can be stressful and embarrassing. It can start to impact on your everyday life. I know you love your dog (even when they’re misbehaving!) and just want the best for them. But maybe you’re not sure where to turn. With so much conflicting advice out there, how can you be sure who to trust?

Let’s Work Together

To start to improve the situation, you need to work with somebody who has the knowledge and skill set to really make a difference; Somebody who will take a compassionate, empathetic, professional and educated approach; A behaviourist who can work with you over a period of time to support you in changing your dog’s behaviour and who does all of this without doing anything aversive or unpleasant to your dog. This is exactly what I can do for you.

Client Testimonial

“From the moment she arrived and greeted our dog, we knew we were in good hands.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

With a background as a Veterinary Surgeon as well as additional behaviour qualifications and years of practical dog training experience, I can take a fully holistic approach to provide you with the knowledge and practical skills required to start getting life with your dog back to where you imagined it would be.